Image of teacher Jenifer Halversen with the text, "Congratulations Mrs. Halversen! For outstanding second grade acadience reading growth!"

A huge congratulations to Mrs. Halversen and the current third graders! Last year, Mrs. Halversen's second grade class had 100% of the students make typical, above typical, or WELL above typical growth in Acadience Reading! This is not an easy feat. Every single student made growth in reading! Well done to Mrs. Halversen and her students! Some of them are lucky to have her for a second year in a row as their third-grade teacher.

82% Well Above Typical Growth

14% Above Typical Growth

4% At Typical Growth

cPhotograph of Mrs. Halversen holding the plaque with area director, principal, office manager, and fellow teachers. Photograph of Mrs. Halversen and her current third grade classPhotograph of Mrs. Halversen, with third grade students, principal, and area director.